New Quay Honey Farm Woods
From fire lighting to tool use, there is something for everyone. We will discover various ways to build shelters, learn to ID plants and trees. Build bow and arrows and swords. We will be cooking using what we have foraged. We will also look into woodland management, what different trees can be used for and make some woodland crafts and lots more.
£45 per child, per 6 week block.
Please get in touch for dates and more information.
For parents, carers, etc and their little one's
Aged 0-5
At New Quay Honey Farm Woods.
Come and have fun in the woods!
Child led, fun in the woods, make some mud pies, play in the hammock, build a den, storytime and with an optional activity each week.
And much more!
Pre-booking currently essential.
£3 per adult, £3 per child, Under 1's Free.